Category: J2Store Expansion Pack

Tracking Your Checkout Flow
Updated: February 21, 2021


The JStats J2Store Extension package includes a plugin to log customer actions in the J2Store checkout process. We keep track of which steps in the checkout process have been visited and transform this data into a stat, which helps to pinpoint which point in the checkout users are dropping out.


  1. Enable the 'Action Log - JStats J2Store' plugin in the 'actionlog' group.
  2. Navigate to the Joomla!® backend > Users > Users Actions Log view.
  3. Click the 'Options' button and select 'Action Log - JStats J2Store'.
    JStats J2Store - Enable Action Log
  4. Click Save & Close.


The JStats J2Store Action Log plugin has the ability to notify users when certain actions have occurred.JStats J2Store Action Log - Params

Each action that our plugin logs has a notification level associated with it (as defined in the plugin's plg_actionlog_jstatsJ2store.ini language file).

PLG_ACTIONLOG_JSTATS_J2STORE_ORDERSTATUS_FAILED_MESSAGE="Order {order_link}'>{order_id} status changed to {status} for user {username}"

PLG_ACTIONLOG_JSTATS_J2STORE_SUBCHANGE_CANCELLED_MESSAGE="User {accountlink}'>{username} cancelled Subscription {sub_id}. Status changed to {status}"

PLG_ACTIONLOG_JSTATS_J2STORE_REMOVEFROMCART_MESSAGE="User {accountlink}'>{username} removed Product ID {product_id} Variant ID {variant_id} from Cart"
  • Notification Level: Any action that has this notification level or higher will be emailed.
  • Notification Groups: Users in this group will be notified by emails of actions that hit the notification level threshold.


Now that we've tracked the checkout and subscription actions from J2Store, we can put this data together in stats to understand the customer activity better.

If you'd like to see stats for action logs, we'd highly recommend updating the 'System - User Actions Log' plugin to change the "Days to delete logs after" to either 0 to keep logs or a very high number. Once logs are purged, the data will not be used in JStats. If you are just using this plugin to send notifications on certain checkout or subscription events, you can ignore this setting for our extension.

Currently (as of 2/2021), we provide the Checkout Actions and Subscription Actions stats (add these through the App Center area).

JStats J2Store Action Log - Checkout Actions